Preliminary Cost Estimate for JP Translation for Japan National Entry

To calculate precise cost, please go back to the previous page to enter at least the number of words to be translated.

Our cost estimate for preparing and filing a Japanese translation for your PCT application ranges from US$2550 to US$3150. This includes our Formatting Fees due to JPO regulations on the translated documents.

Moving Ahead?

You can enter your PCT application into Japanese National Phase without a translation and obtain an additional two months to make the decision whether you would like to proceed to file the translation. If you would like to proceed to order Japan national entry without translation at this moment, please click here to proceed to the next steps.

Supplying Your Own Japanese Translation?

If you already have a Japanese translation, please click here to recalculate a cost estimate for filing a provided Japanese translation.


If you would like to have more precise overall cost estimate, please contact us at

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