Online Cost Estimate for PCT National Phase Entries to US and Japan

This page will automatically calculates the cost estimates for National phase entries to US and Japan without translation based on your existing PCT international patent application.

Step 1. Please specify the country (countries) you would like to enter for national phase entry (entries)


Step 2. Enter the time until the 30-month deadline

“30-month deadline” is the date 30 months from the priority date on your international publication. If your deadline is within a week from today, please contact us directly at
Time until the 30-month deadline:

Note: Although the translations can be submitted after the application submission, additional fees will be incurred. In the case of USA, if your deadline is within 2 months, the translation will be submitted separately from the application.

Official fees for USPTO varies depending on the lengths of specification, number of independent and total claims. For both USPTO and JPO, drawings, formulas and tables need to be formatted in accordance with their regulations for filings. We will need the following information for calculating the USPTO official fees as well as formatting fees.

Step 3. Please enter the number of words (in English) in the specification and Claims of your international publication

Total number of words from specification and Claims:

Step 4. Select the number of drawings (excluding formulas and tables)

Number of drawings:
Note: Drawings must be formatted according to JPO/USPTO regulations.

Step 5: Select the total number of formulas and tables

Total number of formulas and tables:

Note: Formulas and tables must be formatted according to JPO/USPTO regulations.

Step 6. Select the total number of claims

Total number of claims:
(USPTO will charge additional official fees of $80/claim for the application in excess of 20 claims.)
Please refer to Official USPTO Fee Schedule page for detailed official fees.

Step 7. Select the total number of independent claims

Number of independent claims:
independent claims
(USPTO will charge additional official fees of $420/independent claim for the application in excess of 3 independent claims.)

Step 8. Does the applicant organization qualify as “small entity”?

The applicant is:
Individual Inventor
Small Business Concern, Non-profit, University/TLO
Large Entity
(Individual inventors and small entities will be subject to 50% discount of official fees)

Step 9. Are you going to submit sequence listings?

Include sequence listings? No  Yes
If Yes, enter the number of sequence listings: