Copyright in Japan


Egregious Downloading of Pirated Content Criminal from January 1, under Revised Japan Copyright Act

Further provisions to Japan’s revised Copyright Act went into effect January 1, 2021, tightening restrictions on the users of copyright-infringing materials online. In addition to modifications to procedures for registering and examining copyrighted materials, the noteworthy revision is making it…
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Japan Approves a Kind of “Fair Use” Treatment of Works in Online Classes Early, Facing Schooling Challenges of COVID-19

Japan does not have a “fair use” doctrine such as is employed by the United States regarding using copyrighted materials for nonprofit, educational purposes. However, its Copyright Act has been revised and its new provisions are going into effect in…
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TPP-11 May Affect Patent Term Adjustments Slightly, Speed Up Some Trademark Injunctions in Japan

On January 17, 2019, the Japanese Patent Attorney’s Association held a press conference in which presenter Seiji Matsuda pointed out the impact of the now-effective modified Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement (often called TPP-11) on intellectual property. The major changes…
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