Office Actions

Q&A: Multi-Multi Claims in Japanese Patent Applications

1. What is a “Multi-Multi Claim”? “Multi-multi claim” means “any dependent claim that refers to more than one other claim in the alternative (‘multiple dependent claim’) which depends from any other multiple dependent claim”.[1] A multi-multi claim hence exponentially increases…
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JPO and USPTO Collaborative Search Pilot Program Extended through October 2024

The US-JP Collaborative Search Pilot Program (CSP), started in 2015, enables patent applicants for the United States and Japan to seek synchronized and speedier search and office action results. The USPTO and JPO recently announced their continuation of the program…
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Japan IP: Stricter Trademark Import Rules, Looser Late Filing Standards

In 2021, the Japanese Diet (parliament) passed various amendments to intellectual property law. Two major changes were made, and this month, Prime Minister Kishida’s Cabinet issued executive ordinances to implement the amendments. Here is a summary of the two major…
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Extending The Period for Non-Japanese Applicants for Filing an Appeal Against An Examiner’s Final Decision of Rejection From Three Months to Four (effective April 1, 2009)

The Japan Patent Office’s (JPO) new guidelines for filing an appeal against an examiner’s “Notice of Final Refusal” will go into effect April 1, 2009. The JPO is responding to a long-standing complaint among Japanese applicants who’ve been frustrated by…
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