Detailed Cost Estimate

Your PCT International Application

  • Application Number:
  • Earliest Priority Date:
  • 30 Month Deadline:
  • Translation Provided by:

Total Cost (total of 1 to 3 below): US$2160

1 . Filing of PCT application without a Japanese translation

30-month filing deadline:

Our Basic Fee US$610
Rush Fee US$
JPO Official fee US$140
Total for National Phase Entry US$

2. Preparation and filing of Japanese translation

Translation filing deadline: 2 months after the filing date of the application

These fees are estimated based upon the assumption that your PCT application contains (in English) about words, 0 drawings, formulas/tables, and sequence listings.

Our basic translation formatting and filing fee US$1,110
Translation Fee US$0
Drawing, Formula, and/or Table JPO-appropriate preparation fee US$0
Sequence Listing(s) JPO-appropriate formatting fee US$0
Total for Filing Translation US$1110

3. Other fees

Submission of General Power of Attorney (incurred only if you are a new client) US$
Receiving and reporting Application Number Notice from JPO US$120
Reporting a copy of the Applicant’s ID No. Notice US$
Watching, obtaining and reporting JPO publication of the application US$180

Request for Examination and further amendments to the application involve further costs.

Now that you have seen our formal cost estimate, how would you like to proceed?

(a) Make a further inquiry or revise the parameters so that we can give you an estimate further tailored to your situation: contact us at +81-3-5298-6552 (Japan time) or +1-215-701-6349 (US Eastern time), or

(b) Proceed so we can give you the needed Power of Attorney (if necessary) and information on payment and filing.

Please kindly fill in the missing information so that we can proceed in a timely manner.