JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) Issues Intellectual Property Policy

The Japanese government’s Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) is involved in satellite launches, missions to the International Space Station, and more. It recently clarified its intellectual property stance by issuing an Intellectual Property Policy on June 12, 2020, taken up in some media.[1]

The Policy solidifies JAXA’s view that it needs to make good use of the discoveries its researchers and those of partnering corporations make; increase accessibility to information on its discoveries for citizens; maintain strict protection of intellectual property its partners share; establish licensing policies; educate employees on IP and protection; and more.[2]

JAXA already has dealt with numerous patent and other types of IP (as a search on the JPO’s search platform J-Plat Pat shows) alone and in . Its Management Philosophy, “To realize a safe and affluent society using space and the sky,”[3] fits with Japan’s overall aim to use IP to grow its stability amidst the circumstances of declining and aging population and global uncertainty. On all fronts where industry and innovation meet, the government seems to be seeking to rationalize enterprises and depend more on technology and licensing than on human resources.

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Taro Yaguchi.


[1] Fly Team “JAXA、知的財産ポリシーを制定 航空産業振興・国際競争力強化に貢献 [JAXA establishes IP policy; to contribute to aeronautical industry and strengthening international competitiveness].” https://flyteam.jp/news/article/125546 June 19, 2020. Accessed June 22, 2020.

[2] JAXA. “知的財産ポリシー [Intellectual property policy].” https://www.jaxa.jp/about/ip_policy/index_j.html No date. Accessed June 22, 2020.

[3] JAXA. “JAXA Philosophy.” https://global.jaxa.jp/about/philosophy/index.html Accessed June 25, 2020.

Home page image: JAXA. “小惑星探査機「はやぶさ2」 [Asteroid explorer Hayabusa 2]” https://www.jaxa.jp/projects/sas/hayabusa2/index_j.html Accessed June 24, 2020.


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