Japan Patent Office Updates its Mission/Vision/Values Statement

The Japan Patent Office (JPO), considered one of the top five patent offices in the world, published its revised Mission, Vision, and Values statement on June 15, 2021.

The English version shared on the JPO website is as follows:

To achieve a society in which ideas are respected and each individual is encouraged to ignite creativity.

To promote innovation through enhancement of IP rights by co-creating an IP ecosystem in which ideas exploring the future can be developed to generate

Conduct business operations with integrity and fairness based on transparency.
Act from the users’ standpoint. …
Continue to improve without being bound by past practices.
Act proactively as a professional expert.
Think and deal with issues as a united JPO entity.

The older JPO website did not have a specific Mission statement, but a less focused Vision (published in April 2009) with Principles of Action (which lined up fairly closely with the new “Values”). The older Mission seemed more reactive, stating the JPO would need to match the IP ecological changes of the day by leading international discussions and developing a global IP system, while serving users with good service.

The new Mission and Vision is a little loftier and general, but sharpens a focus on encouraging ongoing creativity and individuality (which, some have argued, are squelched in Japanese culture by the conformity of collectivism). As members of the IP community in or entering Japan, starting with the JPO, take ownership of the new statement, we can hope for enriched services and progress.

* The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice.

** For questions or consultation, please contact us for more information.

Contact: Taro Yaguchi


Japan Patent Office. “JPO Mission・Vision・Value.”
Original Japanese: https://www.jpo.go.jp/introduction/tokkyo_mvv.html Updated June 15, 2021. Accessed June 17, 2021.
English translation: https://www.jpo.go.jp/e/introduction/tokkyo_mvv.html Updated June 15, 2021. Accessed June 17, 2021.

Japan Patent Office. Old website of “特許庁ビジョン [JPO Vision]”
https://warp.da.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/11657380/www.jpo.go.jp/introduction/tokkyo_vision.html, dated April 1, 2021 archive; issued April 17, 2009. Accessed June 17, 2021.
Related, the PDF resource from that page gives the specifics: https://warp.da.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/11657380/www.jpo.go.jp/introduction/document/tokkyo_vision/tokkyotyou_vision.pdf Accessed June 17, 2021.

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