Keisen to attend INTA 2025

Attendees from Keisen

Yoshiko Osawa and Kurara Yamagishi will be attending the INTA (International Trademark Association) 2025 Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA on May 17-21, 2025.

This page has been created to facilitate arranging meetings with us.

About Keisen

Keisen Associates is a full-service Japan-based IP law firm. With offices in Tokyo, Japan and Philadelphia in the U.S., Keisen Associates ranks as the largest Japanese Intellectual Property group in the U.S. One of our main objectives at Keisen is to eliminate hurdles caused by differences in culture, law, language, and time zones. Our Japanese and Philadelphia offices work in close step, often simultaneously, giving our clients the invaluable advantage of around-the-clock prosecution and litigation services, as well as a simple, “one-stop” filing and docketing process. Much of our practice is focused on representing American and other non-Japanese clients, and communication with clients is one of our top priorities. Our offices in two countries allow us to respond speedily at the convenience of our clients.

Our Booth Number in the Exhibition Hall: 1052 (hall floor plan below)


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1-215-701-6349 (Philadelphia), 81-3-5298-6552 (Tokyo)

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