IFI CLAIMS Patent Services gave its overview of 2021 in US patent filings and more, showing Japan, Korea (ROK), and China (PRC) strongly in second through fourth places for the number of patents awarded last year.
IFI reports rather grimly, “Total US patent grants declined 7.5 percent from 2020, the most precipitous drop since 2018.” However, it comments that Chinese patent grants actually increased by 10% while all other leading countries’ grants decreased. Chinese expansion in the US market is clearly evident. Japanese and Korean patent filings declined, but they retained their dominance.
Numbers of US patents granted in 2021 (from IHI CLAIMS’s report) by top five nationalities of assignees (reworded January 27, 2022)
USA 150,801
Japan 47,105
(South) Korea 21,264
China (PRC) 20,679
Germany 14,663
China’s prominence globally is evident. Japan is, however, still far ahead of other non-American countries in registrations. How will all this develop in 2022?
* The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice.
** For questions or consultation, please contact us for more information.
Contact: Taro Yaguchi
IFI CLAIMS Patent Services. “2021 Trends and Insights.” https://www.ificlaims.com/rankings-trends-2021.htm Accessed January 13, 2022.
Header image by Curtis Dean Wilson from Free Stock Photos.
Published January 13, 2022. Minor revision January 27, 2022.