JPO and USPTO Collaborative Search Pilot Program Extended through October 2024

The US-JP Collaborative Search Pilot Program (CSP), started in 2015, enables patent applicants for the United States and Japan to seek synchronized and speedier search and office action results. The USPTO and JPO recently announced their continuation of the program until October 2024.[1]

Whereas Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) programs enable quicker allowances once allowance of a substantially identical patent application is issued in one patent office, the CSP enables quicker examination at an earlier stage. Both the USPTO and JPO need to share search results and then office action results with each other and be able to move together, so of course there needs to be substantial similarity of the applications’ scope of claims. Applicants also need to file requests to use CSP early, before examination of the respective filings commences. Up to 400 cases per year can be accepted for the CSP.

Consider taking the opportunity for a smoother search and examination if you have two closely similar filings in these two major countries. If interested in possibly using the CSP, please contact your Japanese and American patent attorneys.

* The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice.
** For questions or consultation, please contact us for more information.
Taro Yaguchi


[1] Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). “日米協働調査試行プログラムを2年間延長します [We will extend the US-JP Collaborative Search Pilot Program 2 years]” November 1, 2022. Accessed November 26, 2022.

[2] Japan Patent Office, Administrative Affairs Division. “US-JP Collaborative Search Pilot Program.” September 22, 2022; updated November 4, 2022. Accessed November 26, 2022.
Also: USPTO’s page on CSP here,

Header image by Steffen Zimmermann from Pixabay.


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